Posts tagged queer

Remember how curious you were as a child? How free? The inhibitions and confines that awaited me were unknown quantities. I am reminded how my eyes would take in everything as quickly as possible. As I was discovering myself, the big bad 90s villain mr. homophobia and his sidekick (master?) mr. transphobia came in to put a patriarchal wrench into the works. I often think where I’d be without the external (which became internal as well) force, but as I rid myself of those big baddies through the constant struggle of gender dysphoria, I can say that I’ve finally caught back up with that curious child’s journey. What does this have to do with translation? So glad you ask. Those ever-vigilant eyes could have glimpsed so much beauty that was hidden away behind walls of confusion. Often, that confusion can be due to a language barrier. Working on French queer fiction and translating it into English dissolves the language barrier for those curious minds, unlocking levels and layers of the global conversation, allowing them to understand the world better, and in turn, understand themselves better. My work translating, as I have stated in previous journal entries, is my life’s mission. I like to think that my translations will reach a questioning soul and help them find their way to their life path that will lead them to their higher self, as I lead myself to my own higher self through the art of translation. Letting the authors I read teach me their wisdom allows me to pass along their beautiful words, wisdom, and yes failures. I might be over-sharing here, but I strongly believe the power of empathy and vulnerability allow a translator to put themselves into the author’s shoes to experience the same raw emotions they felt when they first put pen to paper. I gladly embrace those feelings in the flow state I go into while my fingers glide over my keyboard. As I type, I discover pieces of myself that I’ve lost along the way. Pieces that were hiding from my creative soul behind a wall society and its all-consuming fears blocked me from being connected to. They are hidden no more.



Evan McGorraytranslation, queer